Saturday, October 9, 2010

Neighbors in Europe

A very funny thing is happening in my flat here in Malta.  I live in a two bedroom flat with 2 women on the 2nd floor.  Every past 1am, I always hear some noises in the ceiling of my bedroom. At first, I thought that my neighbors in the 3rd floor are just arranging their furnitures but it seems odd that they are doing it on such a time where all people are supposed to be sleeping.  I continue to hear it on the wee hours of the morning.  It took me some time to realized that they are not arranging their furnitures but rather having sex. is really funny because today, the noises are even stronger and I even hear some moan....what a life...I'm lonely and alone in bed and somewhere, people are having sex.  Well, that's life and what can I do, this is Europe anyways....

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