Monday, November 1, 2010


Sometimes, we wish to become someone other than who we really are.  I wish that now for myself.  Wishing that I could be strong, that I have confidence in dealing with people, that I am friendly and easy to be with, that I am charming, that I have money so that I can retire from my work and do things I really love to do, that I don't have a family whom I love but sometimes I am tired helping them, that sometimes I wish for that someone to love me or just even care for me.

I wish for a lot of things, but I knew that at the end, sometimes, wishes do come true and sometimes it's not.  I just wish that I could have the courage to stand up to people, to tell them who I really are and woudn't care about their feelings.  I wish all my problems at work will go away.  I wish that I could be a better person.  I wish that someone would notice me and at least for a day fall in love with me.  But then at the end, life is life.  Some other times, sometimes became definite.  Sometimes, it's blurry.

How I wish for that sometimes.

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